Break away from the everyday
Numerous luxury accommodation options are set to make Eynesbury home in the years to come, including a state-of-the-art hotel (complete with conference facilities and world class day spa) and cozy Eco lodges set amongst a beautiful natural backdrop.
This image is an Artist Impression only and is not to be relied on. Landscaping may differ to image. Refer to landscape plan for specific details.

Hotel and Conference Centre
Planning is underway to develop a luxury hotel to include 60 rooms and a 300 person conference centre. The proposed location is immediately adjacent to the Eynesbury Homestead and takes advantage of view lines over the Grey Box Forest and Golf Course.
A World Class Day Spa will also adjoin the Hotel, completing the luxurious experience for visitors.
This image is an Artist Impression only and is not to be relied on. Landscaping may differ to image. Refer to landscape plan for specific details.

Eco Lodges
The future Eco Lodges, perfectly positioned in the Grey Box Forest, provide a fully immersive nature escape for those who crave tranquility with a view.
This image is an Artist Impression only and is not to be relied on.

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