Eynesbury One | Community Newsletter February 2022

Greenhill Road
Registered and officially open late last year, connecting Eynesbury to central hubs across Melbourne. It also provides a second entry point from Exford Road and will connect to the future Mt Mary Road.
Mt Mary Road
On track to commence in the next few months. A construction contract is close to being executed.
Town Centre
Currently developing the town centre masterplan, which we hope to share with the community soon. Currently, we are completing a planning permit application for stage 1 in the coming months.
Stage construction
Good news! Stage 8 is registered, with dwellings to commence shortly. Stage 5C/13A civil construction has commenced and will be finalised later this year. Stage 6A-C civil construction is on the homestretch, with civil works expected to be complete within the next month. Stage 6D-F remains on programme, with completion expected to be achieved within the first half of 2022
Two large waterways are currently under civil construction, with civil works due to be completed within the first half of this year.
- Stage 11A5 Reserve – Currently under landscaping construction
- Stage 11A6 Reserve – Currently under landscaping construction
- Stage 11A2-11A6 Streetscapes – Due to commence landscaping construction mid 2022
- Stage 4 – Due to commence landscaping construction mid April 2022
- Stage 5 Streetscape and Reserve – Due to commence landscaping construction mid March 2022
- Stage 8 Reserve – Due to commence construction Feb/ March
Wetland 6 & Wetland 8 – Due to commence landscaping construction approx. June (TBC)
Environmental update | Resimax Group
Resimax Group is committed to improving our environmental values where ever possible. To continue to grow Eynesbury so that its potential can be achieved, two additional parcels within Eynesbury have been set aside to be restored to a high environmental standard. Over the last 9 months, work undertaken in these two areas within Eynesbury, has begun the process of providing open spaces that are of significant environmental value. These are the DELWP registered native vegetation site in the far west of the development area, and the top of Green Hill.
Resimax Group is assembling a team dedicated to improving and then maintaining these areas to the standard required by DELWP. Works already completed in the western site include an extensive weed control program and a rabbit eradication exercise. Both actions have been completed to the satisfaction of DELWP. Ongoing weed and rabbit monitoring and control plans are in place. The forty hectare site on Green Hill comprises two specific zones; at the top is a ten hectare zone created via an agreement under Section 173 of the Planning Act. Surrounding that area is another thirty hectare zone that will be retained as open space and also restored to a high environmental standard.
Programmed activities include weed and boxthorn removal at on the top of Green Hill in the ten hectare site. Works will continue down Green Hill throughout the 30 hectare zone. Both have been enclosed by a rabbit proof fence. A rabbit control program will be undertaken shortly, the best time of year to eradicate this pest. Resimax Group has also secured properties outside of Eynesbury with a view to establishing them as examples of good environmental stewardship, under management plans established with Trust for Nature and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
Since it’s Open Day on Sunday 23rd January, Eynesbury Dance Scene (EDS) has well and truly exploded onto the performing arts scene! Classes begun on Monday 31st January, with all students leaving with huge smiles on their faces, singing the songs and practicing the dances that they learnt. They also looked amazing in their pink and purple EDS uniform.
It’s wonderful to see the children of Eynesbury making friends, having fun and learning new things together again. The students are excitedly preparing for their first performance at the Eynesbury Market on Sunday 27th March, where they will be showcasing what they’ve learnt in term 1.
Positions for new enrolments are available, in classes ranging from ages 2 – 15 years old. Eynesbury Dance Scene offers classes in the styles of jazz, ballet and musical theatre. For more information, please email eyn.dance.scene@gmail.com.
How I met the local | Florist
Our Community Development Manager recently caught up with our local florist, to discuss all things local business!
Local business owner Amanda Laan has been a proud resident of Eynesbury with her husband and three kids for almost 12 years! She’s a big fan of supporting the residents and wider community through her business, Proud Designs – a name that was formed from her maiden roots and interior background. Here’s why Amanda loves Eynesbury;
- After being invited out by friends, Amanda fell in love with the drive through the forest and the vision on the other side, leaving that very evening with a premium block of land right on the golf course.
- Amanda loves giving back to the community through her business by supplying flowers, plants, giftware, events and special occasions. She employs local teenagers for trainee opportunities, and regularly runs workshops.
- A big bonus of having a local business in a tight knit welcoming community, is that everyone knows everyone! Amanda loves how this enables her to personalise her service to suit the local clients.
- What’s on for 2022? Hopefully lots of travel, Eynesbury development, and growth within the township. Amanda has her fingers crossed that the Eynesbury Eagles Netball team will go all the way to the Grand Final. And, she wants to help to raise more awareness for local businesses and grow the business network out here.
Fore more information, visit Proud Designs’ Facebook, Instagram & website.
Eynesbury residents who visited the fantastic celebrations on Australia Day would have seen the Eynesbury Rotary Club BBQ Trailer with members giving out free sausages and drinks as well as providing free drinks, lollies, Zooper Doopers and face painting for the kids. Attached are a few pics of local young people who loved their look’.
You may be aware that Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and people from all walks of life who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Rotary is non-political and non- religious. As a new club, Rotary Eynesbury has more of a local community focus and generally we aim to raise funds via BBQ’s and other events like Trivia Nights. We also run the popular Annual Garden Competition with guest judge Vasili.
In 2021 despite restrictions caused by COVID 19 we raised money and allocated funds to the Eynesbury Primary School – Solar Car, Peace Pole, and we are planning an Eynesbury Lego Competition for young creative builders out there. We’ve also raised funds for the Eynesbury CFA and conduct the monthly Eynesbury Community Award where the successful nominee receives from us (and supported by LJ Hooker Melton), a $100 Ms Peacock Gift voucher. Last year a number of members participated in a walk-a-thon to raise funds to eliminate polio across the world which is a successful world-wide campaign and we have raised $42000 towards a research grant into Parkinsons disease over the next 3 years.
We also have a number of other local projects that we are planning to start in 2022 and as a young club, are looking for others to join us. If you are interested, we meet at the Eynesbury Homestead Thursday evenings for about 7.00pm onwards for a meeting and a meal (optional) within a welcoming social atmosphere. You can choose how much time you wish to commit to depending on your personal circumstances. If interested in finding out more, feel free to come along to one of our meetings or email Phonse Crawford – President, at crawfordphonse@gmail.com.
Scarlett is taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia foundation! Scarlett’s on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer. Watching her Nana’s current battle, Scarlett has been inspired to raise funds for vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
The homestead will play host Scarlett’s Greatest Shave Family Day, including live music, lawn games, gold coin donation colour spray, temporary tattoos and more! Come down and show your support! Or, why not join Scarlett! If you’re planning on shaving too or want to shave, email ebbie@eynesbury.com.au.
Where: Eynesbury Homestead, 487 Eynesbury Road
When: Sunday 20th March, 1pm
Click here to donate!
Mother’s Day Classic
Join us for the 25th anniversary of the Mother’s Day Classic! Join your local community on Mother’s Day to support and honour those affected by breast cancer. Be a part of a small and passionate crowd with music, entertainment for the whole family and plenty of community spirit! You’ll also receive a commemorative medallion, handed over with pride when you cross the finish line.
Important details:
Where: Eynesbury Homestead lawn, 487 Eynesbury Road
When: Sunday 8th May
Distances and times: Walk or run 6km from 9:00am
The Chatty Cafe Scheme
Did you hear? Birdy & Co is a registered Chatty Cafe, providing a “ have a chat “ table every second Tuesday with our lovely registered volunteer, Amber Kennedy. Amber is ready to share a coffee and a chat with all, as we believe having a chat can brighten your day!
The Chatty Cafe Scheme aims to get people chatting to build and encourage social connections within the local community and help reduce social isolation and loneliness. Why not come down and say hello at our next Chatty Cafe Day (Tuesday 22nd February) or our upcoming special morning event, on Tuesday 8th March (International Women’s Day, with coffee & morning tea provided).
The Eynesbury Masters Pro-Am
Friday 25th – Sunday 27th March
Visit the Eynesbury Golf website for more information.
Flower Arrangement Workshop
Tai Chi for Beginners
Social Crafting
Zumba Gold
Grazing Platters Workshop
Junior Parkrun
Eagles Football & Netball
Eynesbury Bus
Eynesbury Early Education